Membership Benefits

Dodgeville Chamber Investor Benefit Details
Chamber webpage: The Chamber website drives traffic to Dodgeville businesses. Businesses will be listed and mapped so our investors can be identified and viewed using filters. It is a useful reference tool for anyone who wants to find businesses and services. Investors can also submit events to be posted on our online calendar.
Social media: The Chamber Facebook page is used to promote new Chamber Investors, events, and showcase businesses through commenting, liking your Facebook page, and sharing posts.
Monthly Newsletters: Each Chamber business may send a PDF or JPEG for their events to be included in the Chamber Newsletter or sent out in an email blast. This is a useful resource for promotion that is FREE for investors. *Non-Chamber Investors can participate in the newsletters, but the cost is $25 per PDF/JPEG for local businesses that are not Chamber investors, and $50 for all others.
New Investor Video: We offer the opportunity to do a mini video to introduce your new business or organization to our investors and social media followers. You can make the video, or we will do it with you.
Dodgeville Area Visitor Guide: Investors have the opportunity to purchase advertising in this full-color print media highlighting attractions and events in the Dodgeville area. The guide is distributed locally, regionally, throughout Wisconsin, and to other states. Ad rates for members are lower than those for non-members. Investors are able to provide a 30–50-word description of their business for FREE to be listed in the guide.
Community Information Center: Investors have the opportunity to provide the Chamber with brochures, flyers, menus, and/or business cards to be displayed in the Visitors Information Center for the promotion of local businesses and services. In the lobby of the Visitor Information Center here at the Dodgeville Chamber, we have four bulletin boards that are for: 1) posting flyers of your events/sales; 2) posting job openings; 3) posting services; and 4) business card rack holder. This area is visited frequently by locals and tourists who are seeking information about area businesses and services.
Press Release: Once a quarter, the Executive Director places a column in the Dodgeville Chronicle announcing new Chamber Investors, highlighting Chamber Investors anniversaries and about Chamber Events.
Ribbon-Cutting/Ground-Breaking Ceremony: The Chamber provides a FREE ribbon-cutting or ground-breaking ceremony for any new or expanding investors business. This includes a Chamber press release, participation by members of the Chamber Board of Directors, and media promotion. It is a great way to highlight your new business!
Event Sponsorship: If you are looking for a way to get your business name in front of people in the community or area, we highly recommend sponsoring an event. Some of the events you can sponsor are: Wisconsin Grilled Cheese Championship, DodgeFest, Annual Chamber Golf Outing, Off the Vine, or one of several other smaller events.
5:01 Connect: Want a clever way to network with area business owners who are Chamber members and a way to meet new local business owners? Once each month, a Dodgeville Chamber member business hosts a 5:01 Connect event at their place of business. Light appetizers and beverages are usually provided by the hosting business. This offers a great networking opportunity! Attendance at these events can be from Chamber investors and Non-Chamber Investors.
Welcome Neighbors Tote: When someone is new to the area, they are encouraged to contact the Chamber to receive a free tote. We warmly welcome newcomers to the area with the tote, which contains coupons, flyers, brochures, and promotional items from businesses and clubs in the community. You are welcome to provide items for the totes, and we will then stuff and deliver the totes to newcomers.
Chamber Gift Certificate Checks: We administer this program to help promote shopping local. Dodgeville Chamber Gift Certificate Checks can be purchased for use in local businesses that belong to the Chamber. A list of all area Chamber investor businesses is provided to anyone who purchases a Gift Certificate Check. The checks are for exclusive use at any of those participating businesses. We advertise the Chamber Gift Certificate Checks program to encourage people to use them as gifts and incentives. As indicated above, this is another way the Dodgeville Chamber focuses on encouraging people to make purchases from local Chamber investors.
Conference Room: DACC has a conference room that is available to Chamber investors for Free. In order to use the room, investors need to reach out to the Chamber office to schedule a time. Non-Chamber Investors can use the room but there is a charge of $50 for half a day and $100 for the full day.